To celebrate Issue 11 we are thrilled to share this short film by Francine Boer, an intimate glimpse behind the scenes from her shoot with Wayne Pate and Rebecca Taylor

You can find more information on Francine and her work on her website and instagram.

Creative Retreats 2024

Our inspirational sewing and textile adventure in Provence with Sarahbeth Larrimore is now officially SOLD OUT.

We are planning more delicious creative experiences for 2024 so if you would like to be the first to know and access early bird tickets then be sure to sign up for our mailing list below.

Our retreats have been featured in….

Pre-order Issue 11 now!

Discover our new Art Card series

Film by Michaël Diot

You can find more information on Michaël Diot @micha.diot or on his website.

Film by Michaël Diot

You can find more information on Michaël Diot @micha.diot or on his website.

Considered, intimate, and honest. We share 8-14 long-form stories in every issue. Bringing you inside artists’ homes and creative spaces; exploring stories of slowing down, creating with intention, community and collaboration, and examining the twists and turns of creative lives and how to finally find your voice.


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We are offering an extra special deal for our subscribers with a +20% discount and a year’s membership to the FAIRE Inner Circle.

FAIRE Journal

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For 12 months

Our FAIRE Inner Circle is conceived as a space to build community and share meaningful, engaging creative content with our FAIRE annual subscribers and members. The FAIRE Inner Circle launched in early June 2022 and our team build on it month on month to include: - Faire Members Directory - Exclusive Creative Fellowships throughout the year - Creative Partner discounts and early-bird spots at our upcoming FAIRE creative retreats and those of FAIRE friends. - The Conversation webinars

You can find FAIRE on Instagram