Helene Bret
Helene Bret lives in the South of France at the foot of Mont Ventoux. In 2021, she was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. As part of her recovery process, she embarked on a journey of graceful unravelling, exploring her story as a human and a woman. Her story is one of metamorphosis, healing, self-discovery and transmission in the form of teaching and accompaniment, celebrating the arts of attention through sensory, meditative and artistic experiences.
Words and Photography by Helene Bret
Excerpts from Issue 10 of Faire
“Art is much more than a simple creative act. It encompasses multiple dimensions: societal, cultural and spiritual. It is the purest expression of our humanity, the manifestation of our innate desire to communicate, to inspire, to question and to arouse emotion in our fellow human beings.”
“..the beauty of our journey lies in this constant exploration. Even if the ultimate meaning of our existence remains enigmatic, we can find profound fulfilment by participating in this ongoing creation.”
“Some paths take longer than others, and every day I forge the iron of my patience. But it’s sweet and joyful to observe today how these sometimes winding fragments of life are taking shape in a more global work.”