Louisa Creed
Louisa Creed is a celebrated British rag-rug makers, beloved for her sensitive handling of colour and a painterly appreciation of form. Her first book, My Rag Rug Life, will be published by Rylett Press in July 2023.
“I have always liked to combine colours, either in monochrome or in a glorious marriage of tones. I never use more than three colours at a time.”
“I can clearly remember the moment when I announced to my mother and grandmother, ‘I want to be an antique dealer!’ I was 16 years old.”
“For more than 30 years, this was my life. I threw myself into learning from some of Paris’s most fascinating workshops that specialised in the restoration of gilded wood and paintings. I started to restore my own objects and those of professional relations and friends.”
“One of the characteristics of my use of colour is many, many close-toned shades. I hardly ever use two rags of the same shade next to each other.”
“Living alone as I do now, rag rugging is even more important to me, however limited I am. It is a kind of addiction – my fingers need to be working, and I need to be creating.”
If you would like to read more about Louisa you can purchase her first book My Rag Rug Life, online.